Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alyson is TOO grown up

Look at my little girl. 3 years old and so grown up! Alyson is talking to Daddy in this pic and it's so funny. She grabs my phone and walks around the house talking to whomever is on the other end.
Alyson is totally potty trained now with the rare accident. She even keeps her pull-up or panties dry at night most of the time. She successfully tells me she has to go potty when we are out and about too. She is SO proud of herself too! I'm even more proud! 1 down, 2 to go!
She adores school. She is doing so well too. They are learning letters and she's even tracing letters on paper. She's also getting good with letter and number recognition as well as phonics!
We got the ultimate compliment from the Preschool director: She said that Alyson is the ONLY 3 year old she'd allow into the summer camp program (for ages 4 and up) since she is so mature/advanced for her age. I don't know if we'll do it, but it was flattering! We signed Aly up for the 3 day program next fall and Paul will be joining her! How exciting!
Oh my poor dear, after 3 years, got he first ear infection. She woke up every 2 hours crying one night, the next day was acting out of character, so we brought her in to the Dr. Lo and behold, an ear infection. She's much better now!

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