Sunday, April 19, 2009

Alyson Paige 3 years old 3 Months (39 Months old)

How funny is this picture? I guess she didn't know what to do with all those Easter eggs!
Alyson is quite the little princess. She is adored by all....every teacher at Preschool wants to take her home.
She carries on full conversations with adults. She talks WITH Paul, not TO him which is absolutely precious to witness. And the funny thing is, they understand each other! Alyson and Paul love to play together and cause trouble together. They instigate each other.
Alyson is already turning into a little mama. She tattles on Paul relentlessly. She loves to help with the other 2 kids and with chores. She is completely potty trained (YAY).
We DO need to work on her listening skills....while she is an angel at school, we have our fair share of disobedience here at home. She is VERY stubborn.

Paul Edward 22 Months old

Oh My Boy! My Little Man will be 2 YEARS OLD. When did that happen? He is such a boy too.
He loves to run, climb, build, read, draw, and get dirty. His new obsession is digging. Good thing we have a sandbox, now we just need to put sand in it! He has also become VERY compassionate towards Ella. He'll say "it's ok" and "don't cry". He immediately asks for Daddy, Aya, and Ewawa when he wakes up.
His big brown eyes are just SO expressive too. He can be super affectionate when he wants to be. He's also "fighting" back when Alyson picks on him. I'm kind of happy about that! Don't tell anyone though.

Ella Jeanne7 Months Old

Ella Jeanne is now 7 months old. Her beautiful eyes are STILL blue...BLUE blue. She has an infectious smile and laugh. She bursts into laughter when you nibble on any of her many chubby baby rolls.
We have a TOOTH! Finally a tooth has cut through.
She is getting up and rocking back and forth like nobody's business. She also rolls all over the place.
One of her favorite things to do is steal big brother and sister's pacifiers out of their mouths.
She's an eater...loves her food now. She is getting puffs and cheerios in her mouth on her own too!