It's been entirely TOO long since I've blogged about the kids. It's been almost a month now! I'm a bad mommy. Alyson completed her first year of pre-school. It's amazing to me that she is only 3 1/2. We are so thrilled that her teachers are moving up with her. This makes me feel so much more secure as a mom knowing how much they adore her and how much she learned under their wings.
Paul is now 2 years old. His language skills are exploding! My favorite saying lately is "Big Kiss". He's putting 2 words together ALL the time and will throw in the 3 word sentences here and there. He's also so doting on Ella. He gives her kisses and asks where she is. He is still obsessed with all things BOY. Cars, trucks, planes, trains...and the Cars Movie.
Ella is almost 10 months old! Oh My! She is STILL our biggest. She just weighed in at 20 lbs (Aly and Paul didn't hit 20 lbs till they were a year old!). She's crawling, pulling herself up on things, walking when her hands are held, and follows big brother and sister around ALL The time.
We survived our road trip to New York. The kids were wonderful despite how stressful it was to travel so far by car. They enjoyed their time up there. We went to the beach twice and the kids LOVED it. Alyson followed her Grammie and Tita around whenever she could.
As a belated Mother's Day gift, we had the kids picutres taken. It's all I wanted. I guess we can consider it Paul's 2nd birthday pictures also. It blows my mind that I have 3 kids!
Paul is now 2 years old. His language skills are exploding! My favorite saying lately is "Big Kiss". He's putting 2 words together ALL the time and will throw in the 3 word sentences here and there. He's also so doting on Ella. He gives her kisses and asks where she is. He is still obsessed with all things BOY. Cars, trucks, planes, trains...and the Cars Movie.
Ella is almost 10 months old! Oh My! She is STILL our biggest. She just weighed in at 20 lbs (Aly and Paul didn't hit 20 lbs till they were a year old!). She's crawling, pulling herself up on things, walking when her hands are held, and follows big brother and sister around ALL The time.
We survived our road trip to New York. The kids were wonderful despite how stressful it was to travel so far by car. They enjoyed their time up there. We went to the beach twice and the kids LOVED it. Alyson followed her Grammie and Tita around whenever she could.
As a belated Mother's Day gift, we had the kids picutres taken. It's all I wanted. I guess we can consider it Paul's 2nd birthday pictures also. It blows my mind that I have 3 kids!